I think its safe to say that the last 6 months have been crazy for all of us. While I sit here reflecting......
I think its safe to say that the last 6 months have been crazy for all of us. While I sit here reflecting on how fast this summer has flown by while we were busy trying to grow ICON Meats during such uncertain times and keep up with all the work that goes into owning a ranch with a herd of bison, its easy to forget the most important things in life and that is time with family.
While my wife will tell you that during the last 14 years that we have been married, I am constantly pushing forward adding more and more to my plate and I usually find myself never feeling caught up. If there is one positive that has come out of 2020 and its events its that I have realized its not always important to race and complete the next task. Sometimes you just need to slow down and enjoy the moment. It seems like our world moves so fast now days due to the technology that we have at our fingertips and maybe its just because I am getting older, but man, there is nothing more relaxing and usually enjoyable for the whole family than going out hiking and exploring or fishing for the day or playing an old card game without worrying about tomorrow or what needs to be completed next. It doesn't matter if you live in the city or way out in the country..being creative and finding new or fun old things to do with people you care about is what its about. These things don't really take money or equipment, just time..and in the end that is the most important quantity.